He wants to know how much traffic my generic blog makes, so I'm posting them here.
He also wanted to know where my views were coming from. Techie She is a regular regular site, but I have not figured out why. I suspect that most of these referrals came from backlinks?
How to get to Xavier School, dated March 24, 2011, with 7 views, is the top result in Google search. So is Podium Opens at Noon on November 1, dated October 31, 5 views, also last year, with the search words 'Podium Opens at Noon on November.' Another November 1 post, Via Mare Open on November 1, 3 views, has the thirdmost views. My fourth highest post, Clinic Christmas Break, 2 views, is the third holiday post in the list. So I guess holiday skeds attract the most views to this blog.
In case of a heart attack, 2 views, is the second health-related post in the list.
Feng Shui Figurines, 7 comments including mine, Canon Pixma MX 416?, and Professional Dog Trainer also had 2 views each.
Both health and holidays are part of the site description.
120 of my pageviews come from the US; 31, Philippines; 5 and 3, Argentina and Singapore, respectively.
Atimiti has had a total of 18,068 pageviews from 79 posts, or 228+ views per post.
This blog had 980 pageviews last month. |